PFAS Reducing Block Filter Elements

Our GreenStory GSGWF CB-PF, high-flow Point of Entry (POE) filter block element has been NSF P473 certified to reduce PFOA & PFOS over its entire filter life. A great new alternative to dealing with granular activated carbon (GAC) media, messy change-outs, and large tanks. GreenStory can match flowrates in a less capital-intensive solution and a fraction of the footprint of a tank system. When exhausted, the PFAS removal element will be returned for disposal via incineration.
All GSGWF filter block elements can be utilized together in a variety of series configurations to address specific contaminant removal needs. Contact us to help design a unique system for your requirements.
Meets NSF/ANSI standards 42, 53, and 61 for drinking water
Meets California Proposition 65 regulatory requirements for drinking water
High flow rate
Low pressure drop
High filter capacity
High chemical adsorption capability
Housings available to hold 1-19 elements
Flow rates up to 608 gpm per housing
Media: Granular Activated Carbon
Filtration level: 1 micron
Multiple, see Part Number Builder
Flow capacity per element:
30” - Up to 24 gpm @ 1 PSID
40” - Up to 32 gpm @ 1 PSID
Connections: Multiple, see Part Number Builder
End Caps: Polypropylene

High Flow PFAS Remover/Polisher
NSF Standard P473 PFOAS Reduction PT 100%: Passed

NSF P473 is a test protocol for point-of-use treatment devices that claim to reduce PFOA and PFOS. NSF P473 tests the reduction of PFAS using influent challenge water of 1.0 ug/L (1,000 parts per trillion or ppt) of PFOS and 0.5 ug/L (500 ppt) as PFOA.
Products are tested to 200 percent of the manufacturer’s stated capacity for units without a performance indicating device or 120 percent with a performance indicating device. Effluent levels must be 0.07 ug/L (70 ppt) or less to pass the test (95.3 percent reduction).

GSGWF Housing Series Options
GSGWF ICC-226 Series, Single Element Housing
Large diameter element, up to 8" outer diameter (OD)
Filter element up to 40" length
Endcap style: 226
GSGWF IHF Series, Multiple Element Housing
Large diameter element, up to 8" outer diameter (OD)
Filter element up to 40" length
Endcap style: 226
Options from 1-19 elements
GSGWF ICS Series, Single Element Housing
Filter element and cartridge up to 2.75" outer diameter (OD)
Filter element up to 30" length
End cap styles: DOE and 222
GSGWF ICC-DOW/222 Series, Multiple Element Housing
Filter elements and cartridges up to 2.75" outer diameter (OD)
Filter elements up to 40" length
End cap styles: DOE and
Options for 4,5,7 elements